Financial Freedom
for Women in Business
Your financial success is already within you — I’m here to help you align with money to be wildly prosperous and financially free.
So, let’s make finances relatable, money goals attainable, and help you embrace your joyful money mindset.
Here’s to living your abundantly wealthy life!
xo, Stephanie Kremic
Learn How to Succeed
as a Self-Employed Woman
With these 8 simple tactics, you’ll be taking financial steps to support you and your business while bringing balance back into your life.
I’m Stephanie
Your mindful money mentor with deep wisdom about wealth + life balance, financial planning, and self-employment.
I’m a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and the founder of award-winning investment advisory firm, Clear Sky Wealth.
I teach women how to align with money and use tactical money tools to grow their businesses with my Mindful Money Makeover program.
Since 2007, I have been bringing my experience of material and spiritual money moves to help my clients create wealth.
You May Have Seen Me Here:
What’s Holding You Back
from Making the Money You Want?
When I talk to other women, I hear common reasons they feel financially stuck.
“I’m not sure if I can run a business and have a family life.”
“I need a loan for my business to make more money.”
“Building wealth is really hard work.”
“If I’m wealthy, I won’t be loved.”
“I thought someone would come save me financially.”
“I realize I have limited belief and self-doubt that I can learn about money.”
“I’m afraid to look at my finances.”
“I was never taught how to build wealth.”
“I’m not seeing the financial results from effort put into business.”
“Money conversations are hard.”
The good news? You can move past all of these money blocks, fears, and stressors — easily! Actionable steps are built into Mindful Money Makeover to keep you moving towards financial freedom and money confidence.

Can You relate?
I definitely can! Years ago, I believed building wealth was really hard work and that I had to sacrifice everything to be financially free. This meant I had to choose work, or, my life. Deep in my heart, I knew it didn’t have to be one or the other. As a woman, mother, wife, friend, and business owner, I can honestly say, you can have both wealth AND life. I am living it, and teaching women how to be wildly prosperous and financially free.
For decades, I’ve worked with hundreds of self-employed women to unravel what is holding up cash from naturally flowing in, and help them set up their businesses to allow for more money to flow in easily (yes, it can be easy when aligned with money).
You’re already dedicated to your business. Your business doesn’t need more of your time or energy. It needs practical, tactical, and mindful money techniques to allow for more cash to flow in.
“What I loved most about Stephanie’s program, was her relatability!
She’s been there. She’s gone through what we’re going through as female entrepreneurs.
Traditionally in business, we hear from men that are trying to help us with our money — and it’s not very relatable. Her course took me each step of the way and built my confidence in my finances.”
— Lindsay Hyzer
“Rich” Reads
Relatable Content to Grow Your Financial Confidence
When you sign up below, you’ll get tried-and-true wealth-building tactics as well as mindful tips to transform your money mindset and live an abundantly rich life. This content is created for you, the entrepreneurial woman, and it’s delivered right to your inbox.
How Can a Money Coach
Help Me Reach My Financial Goals?
Glad you asked! Mindful Money Makeover was created to support a joyful money mindset, confidence in financial decisions, and provide the framework for business success — all with easy to implement tools and weekly coaching calls.
I built the program using the same steps I used to make Clear Sky Wealth and Stephanie Kremic, LLC. profitable. And now… I want to do the same for you and your business!